Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Delhi #1

During today's downpour I'll update this blog :)

From Agra, I headed to Delhi. I didn't do too much in Delhi. I was pretty focused on getting over that cold and not feeling so tired all the time. I stayed with my friend in Delhi and the city is so big that I was somewhat overwhelmed with what to do. People say that the Red Fort and the Mosque are not to be missed. I will see them next time I'm in Delhi. I went to a few cool places with my friend's friends and had a night on the town. I did take the opportunity to visit the Mohatma (sp?) Gandhi museum. I was actually much more impressed with it than I was expecting. It was filled with quotes and example of his leadership. It was also the sight of his assassination. They showed his home and how he lived, along with all the different political activities he was involved in. What a great man.

I will see more of Delhi next time...

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