Friday, September 26, 2008

Do Something!!!

My friend is doing a triathalon (swimming 1 mile in the SF bay, biking the length of a marathon, and then running a 10k) and raising money to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma society.... so get out your wallets and check out the website!!!!

She has two upcoming events. All proceeds go directly to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society:
This Sunday, September 28th: YARD SALE at 1519 1/2 Alameda in Burbank. If you have anything to donate please contact me.
Sunday October 5th: CAR WASH at the Shell Station on Olive and Alameda in Burbank. Help or donations of rags is greatly appreciated. Come get your car washed!

Side note: people are always telling me how good it is that I'm "doing something to help the world". Well, I want you all to know that you DO NOT need to move half way around the world in order to contribute. You are surrounded by opportunities to make a difference..... this is just one of them.... It's being handed to you... .all you have to do is make the decision to help!!!

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