Saturday, August 20, 2011

Closing note for this blog session

I'm now in Veranasi, where they burn the bodies at the Ganges. I seriously hated it the first hour I was here, but have grown to really like it a lot. I leave in 2 days for Agra to see the Taj Mahal.

I could write forever. Some things I would write about:

-All the crazy ideas and warnings about India have not been validated to me yet. I have had no harassment, have taken risks, and have met some really awesome and fun people.

-Food: it's not what we, Americans, think of when we think of Indian food.

-Diversity: India is INCREDIBLY diverse in land, people, and culture



Nikki-Rae Alkema said...

Keep writing about your trip! This is great! Be well and take care. Love, Nikki-Rae

Robin said...

Thank Nikki! will do!!! glad to hear someone is reading :)